How to Get Rid of Rats in House Home Remedies
Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Rats
The presence of rats in your home is revolting and problematic, but there are home remedies to get rid of rats.
Getting rid of them is no easy task as they swiftly move around, and trapping them is quite tricky. Rats invade places in search of food, shelter, and water. If your house is providing all three of them, then despite cleanliness and hygiene, they'll find a way into your place.
Besides being irritating, they are also dangerous to your health. They are carriers of 20+ disease-causing germs and contaminate food when they come in contact with it.
So, it's vital to eradicate them from your premises instantly. The following are some effectivehome remedies to get rid of rats which will also keep them away from your home.
Mothballs are effective repellents, and they will successfully keep rats away from your place. They are easily available in markets. Simply place a few of them in your kitchen, attic or any area you fear the presence of rats, and these will successfully fend them off and kill them.
You need to be extra cautious while dealing with mothballs, especially indoors, as they are poisonous and their smell is harmful to humans.
So always touch them with gloves and if you have kids or pets at home then keep them away from their range.
Ammonia is a powerful and practical repellant for rats as they can't stand the pungent smell of ammonia and therefore leave the place. For this make a mixture of ammonia in water. Pour one-quarter water in a bowl; mix two tsp of detergent and 2 cups of regular ammonia in it. Then place this bowl in the area infested by rats and let it do the job.
Peppermint Oil
Though we like the refreshing scent of peppermint oil, for rats, it turns out to be a bitter smell which they can't stand. Dip some cotton balls in peppermint oil and spread them in your house, kitchen, attic or any rats-prone area.
These will surely deter the rats away from your home. Not only this grow peppermint plants around your house's boundary, and it will guard your place against these irksome rodents. You can also use citronella and castor oil as an effective alternative to peppermint oil.
Black Rat
Owl's Feather
It may be an uncommon remedy, but the fact is owl's feathers scare rats, and they run away fearing owls' presence. Place owl's feathers in rats' hideouts and these will force them to leave your home. Finding owl feathers isn't much easy, so you can also use plastic snakes. Place them in your garden, yard, kitchen, and elsewhere, and these will keep rats away.
Pepper Flakes
Rats are sensitive towards smells, and any pungent smell is enough to drive them away. Not only is the spicy smell unbearable for them, but it also makes it difficult for them to breathe. Just sprinkle pepper along entryways, corners, and hideouts of rats. Check its' effectiveness, and sprinkle it again in a few days if needed.
Onions and Garlic
Humans don't only despise the smell of onions and garlic, but one of the great home remedies to get rid of rats too. Put the sliced onion outside their holes or entryways. This will be sufficient to avert them from infesting your home.
But you have to be extra vigilant while using onions as they'll rot within two days, and you'll have to replace them with fresh onions. Discard the rotten onions as they can be toxic for kids and pets.
With garlic, you can simply place garlic cloves at the entry points of rodents or make a mixture of garlic in water.
A mixture of Plaster of Paris with Cocoa Powder
This mixture of plaster of Paris and cocoa powder will kill rats by dehydrating them.
For this you need to make a dry mix of POP with any cocoa/chocolate powder; then sprinkle it in the area infested by rats, around their entryways and hideouts. This will dehydrate rats when they eat it up, and they will run out of the home in search of water and will eventually die.
Instant Potatoes
Spread the instant potato powder in and around the area. Potato powder is readily available in the market, and when the rats consume it, it gets inflamed in their intestines and kills them.
Rat Traps
Trapping is the most effective and readily used of home remedies to get rid of rats from the premises. There are several types of rat traps available in the market; you can select the one according to the convenience or style, but it's better to select a humane trap, which only catches the vermin but doesn't kill it.
To attract rats, use their favorite food as bait like cheese, peanut butter, and likewise items. The food will lure the rats, and they'll get trapped trying to eat it. After that, you can release them away from your home so that they won't invade your place again.
Cat Litter
Rats despise cats the most and scare them.
Put little cat litter in or around their holes. Rats will never return to the place fearing that cats may be near.
You can also use dried snake litter instead of cat litter, and it'll provide the same desired results. Snake litter can be obtained from zoo or pet stores. When dealing with animal's litter, be extra cautious and keep them away from children.
Cow Dung
This is one is a nauseating and revolting remedy, but the results this remedy provides make it bearable. Spread some cow dung cakes in and around your garden, backyard, and attic. Rats will eat the cow dung when they come across them, and the dung in return inflame their stomachs and eventually kill them.
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All of the remedies mentioned above are useful home remedies to get rid of rats. For better results and to prevent future invasions of vermin, keep your house and garden clean.
Don't spill food and drinks, cover the leftover food, caulk the possible entry points and hideouts of rats, get rid of garbage and stagnant water. Moreover, clean your floor with a solution of bleach and water to guard your family against diseases these rodents might bring with them. However, if you have a large rat infestation, don't wait to call us!***
How to Get Rid of Rats in House Home Remedies