How to Get Rid of Pigeons on Your Roof
OK, so maybe this mentality isn't all that uncommon, but it's important that you consider it. You can be anti-pigeon, too; it doesn't make you a bad person. For instance, if you have pigeons on your roof, you don't have to keep dealing with it. Maybe you like animals and you want to be humane; that's fine, but that doesn't excuse the pigeons squatting on top of your home. Not only is it irritating and unattractive to have a line of pigeons atop your roof, it also leaves you and your vehicles susceptible to nasty air raids. So stop dealing with these airborne rats on your property, and follow our four steps to getting rid of pigeons on your roof: Step 1: Remove Any Attractive Food/Water Sources Obviously, if you have a bird feeder or birdbath, now is the time to get rid of it. Although other, more pleasant birds can use them, pigeons do have a tendency to be bullies. If they decide they like the food or water source, they'll monopolize it. Best to just get rid of these little adornments. Additionally, if you have any plants that produce edible nuts, those are also attractive food sources for pigeons. And if you keep the dog or cat food bowl outside, you should start putting it away unless it's feeding time. Step 2: Consider Scare Tactics First The easiest way to keep pigeons away is to scare them, which can be done in a variety of ways. For instance, the use of wind chimes or reflective tape on the roof can be enough to scare pigeons. You can also purchase large fake owls or similar items that will act like a scarecrow for pigeons. However, keep in mind that pigeons will eventually wise up to your methods. They'll realize the owl is fake after a while, so be prepared to move it around or adjust your methods in the future. Step 3: Introduce the Heavy Hitters If the scare tactics didn't work, then it's time for more drastic measures. These methods will almost certainly work, but they will require some major effort on your part. Our first suggestion is metal anti-perching spikes. You've probably seen these on commercial roofs and signs, but they can also be placed on your own roof. The downsides are obviously the effort required and the fact that your roof won't look great with spikes on it. But hey, no pigeons! You can also opt for sticky gels that can be purchased at many retail stores or online. You apply the gel to your roof, which makes it uncomfortable for pigeons to roost there. Finally, installing screens, mesh or chicken wire over areas pigeons frequent will make it tough for them to perch. Step 4: If All Else Fails, Call in Professional Backup You may not see them on our billboards, but pigeons are definitely pests – which means we can handle them. If your pigeon problem isn't going away or you simply don't have the time or patience to deal with it, please reach out to us. We'd be happy to address your pigeon problems, and can remove them in no time. Pigeons suck. There, I said it. After years of people making excuses for pigeons, I'm ready to tell the truth about them. They're terrible, they stink, they're gross, annoying and they poop everywhere. They're basically rats with wings, to borrow a phrase from Woody Allen.
Topics: General Info
How to Get Rid of Pigeons on Your Roof