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Draw a Box in Premiere Fucking Pro

Storyboarder makes it easy to visualize a story as fast you can draw stick figures. Speedily draw to test if a story idea works. Create and show animatics to others. Express your story thought without making a movie.

We built Storyboarder because the storyboarding tool nosotros wanted simply didn't exist. We are making information technology improve every day. In fact, we have released it free and open source. You can and even make improvements.

Tin can you utilize storyboarding and pitches to the story development process as blitheness has done? We recollect so. Nosotros would love to hear your feedback to make Storyboarder the best storyboarding tool possible.

Fast and Elementary

Storyboarder is designed to be elementary. We included the tools you need to board fast, and removed everything you don't need.

6 simple cartoon tools

Calorie-free pencil for roughing, Difficult Pencil for fine lines, Pen for most work, Brush to tone, Note Pen to write notes, and Eraser!

Add boards with a click

Theres no friction. Add a board. Draw. Add another. Draw. Indistinguishable. Copy. Paste. Rearrange. In that location is null stopping you lot.

Enter dialogue and action

Add metadata for a board on the correct panel. You tin likewise enter timing data and shot type.

For everything else, merely edit in Photoshop.

Click edit in Photoshop

Draw your roughs and do layout in Storyboarder. If you demand more control, just click the edit in photoshop button!

Edit in Photoshop and save

The board will open up in Photoshop. But edit every bit y'all ordinarily would. Once y'all save, information technology will automatically update in Storyboarder!

Who's this for?

Story Artists

Craft stories visually from your thoughts to boards as fast as possible.


Sketch your shot list through boards to see if they work every bit a movie.


Take your written stories and visualize them. Come across the words come to life.


Create storyboards for advertisements so yous can visually show your clients.


Have an thought and a dream? Create and iterate on your idea past cartoon it.

Anyone with an idea

You can storyboard fifty-fifty the smallest thought. You don't even take to be able to draw!

Do you like storyboarding on paper? Print and import paper storyboards magically.

In Storyboarder, you tin can print out storyboard worksheets. Draw on every bit many frames and pages as you like. Then take a picture show of the worksheet with your telephone and Storyboarder will automatically import the boards into your projection.

Export to Premiere, Last Cut, Avid, PDF,
and Blithe GIF

Consign to any editing program. This is cracking for cutting together your boards or doing realtime editing at shoots. You lot can also export a contact sheet of your boards as a PDF, and an Blithe GIF – perfect for sharing and collaboration.

Focus with a Sketch Sprint and and so share a timelapse.

Need to focus? Fix a Sketch Sprint timer and but describe and storyboard until the time runs out. At the end of the Sketch Dart, we will create an animated timelapse gif of your piece of work. Information technology's great for sharing!

Residue in peace, Mr. Wiggles. (1980-2003) #bettertohavelovedandlost

Timelapse of a random ass cat I drew in 15 minutes during a Sketch Dart. Mr. Wiggles was lost due to an unfortunate adult circumcision.

Generate a shot just by typing...

Can't depict? Have a shot list? Or just want to speedily mockup reference shots without drawing? Just type a clarification into the Shot Generator in the sidebar, press return, and generate as many shots equally you'd like. Change parameters every bit you desire. Shots are fully customizable.

Double click to put it in the reference layer of the board. The generated shots are meant to exist drawn over and then they can be used as a guide.

If you can describe a shot and draw a smiley face up, you can storyboard!

So yous tin generate a scene in seconds.

Examples of shots...

Fundamental commands for everything.

Fundamental commands really speed upwards your work. Pressing "N" for new board, and left and right arrows from navigating is essential. For some, knowing all the key commands is the key to working quickly. If y'all'd like to know what'due south possible, simply press:

Command + K

Only a few features...

Simple, Smooth Drawing

5 tools, Incredibly fast cartoon engine pressure sensitive.

Super Simple Interface

v tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Printed Worksheets

five tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Works with Wacom

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Easy Organization

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure level sensitive.

Describe Straight Lines

five tools, Incredibly fast cartoon engine pressure sensitive.

Works with Fountain

5 tools, Incredibly fast cartoon engine force per unit area sensitive.

Open in Photoshop

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine force per unit area sensitive.

Measure Line Mileage

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Guides to Help Cartoon

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Reference Layer

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Onion Skin

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Rails Changes

5 tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure sensitive.

Collaborate on Github

v tools, Incredibly fast drawing engine pressure level sensitive.

Export to Formats

5 tools, Incredibly fast cartoon engine pressure sensitive.

Built with Beloved

five tools, Incredibly fast cartoon engine pressure sensitive.

Please click here to read the FAQ to acquire more!

Why is Storyboarder free?

Storyboarder is niche software. The marketplace is tiny. There'due south an changed relationship between the market size and price we accept to charge to make money. We are edifice this tool for ourselves to make ameliorate movies. We brand money making movies, not software. We believe creative software should be gratis. Allow's be completely real – I've never known anyone working on dope donkey shit to be paying for the software they use anyways.

Storyboard Pro - Shitty software that costs $one thousand? Boords and other online software that but allows y'all to lodge images and costs a monthly fee?

Fuck those guys.

And fuck Sony Pictures. They make the worst fucking movies. What does that have to practise with free software? Non much. Maybe use free software to brand great movies and don't waste product coin going to a Sony movie? Fuck.

And fuck Dave Morin. And Gary Vaynerchuk. Ugh.

What are people maxim?

"The print, shoot, import workflow is super slick. And it's the best example I've ever seen for QR codes. Well done!"

John Baronial

Writer, Host of ScriptNotes.

"Holy effin dickbutt. This is the best. Far improve than anything else out in that location, and I've basically seen it all."

Pasquale D'Silva

Animator, Co-founder Thinko.

"You don't have a groundwork layer? To be honest, if you lot hired me to work on your storyboards, I wouldn't use this."

Matthew A. Taylor

Live Action Storyboard Creative person

Dearest Friends,

Nosotros made Storyboarder because we needed a great storyboarding tool that simply didn't exist.

We use tools every day to help us do things. This is especially true with artistic persuits. As many artists before usa, nosotros think that toolmaking is an of import aspect of creation. Making a tool that allows united states to realize our vision in a faster, richer, and more meaningful way is well worth the curt term investment for the long term benefits.

It is very important that the primary purpose of this tool is to let united states to create better work. We want to iterate on information technology and brand information technology better every bit we learn more than from the procedure of using information technology. It is of import that we are motivated almost exclusively by the betterment of our work, and not by making money. We will make coin from creating swell stories, not selling overpriced niche software.

We have been accused of trying to rethink the mode things are done. "Why don't you just do information technology the way thousands accept done information technology before?" "Why don't you lot just make your movie instead of making this tool?" These are the voices of airtight-minded, common people. They lack the power to dream of a better manner. They don't push the homo race frontward. They discourage modify. I hope yous do non ignore them, but defy them.

Should other people want to use our tools to create something great, cipher should stand in the way of that. Additionally, nosotros think information technology's of import to listen to feedback and ideas, and if possible integrate the truly best ideas into the tool. I beleive swell ideas are in all of usa. Selfishly, I want to feel your stories. If I can make a tool to help y'all will them into the world, that would brand me happy.

Tools are non a replacement for work. The tool lonely doesn't make annihilation. Work is hard. Refining work into great work is even harder. Storyboarder, at the highest level, is a cartoon organizer. It makes cartoon and ordering drawings simpler. You could do this with a stack of paper and a pencil. Anyone who makes broad claims otherwise is a liar.

I invite you to employ our tools freely. Please send the states feedback, ideas, and suggestions. Feel gratis to share your work with u.s.a.. We would dear to see it. I also invite you to wait at what we are working on - the reason why nosotros made this tool. We are looking for people to join our team. If you are compelled by it, we would dearest to hear from you. Actually, either way, we would love to hear from you!

Charles Forman // Just some dude who cares.

Go ahead, craft better stories...
